1. About
2. Intro
3. News
4. Features
5. Download
6. Screenshots
7. Development
8. Links
If you want to help us, or if you want to build the
development version, take a look at our
project page
at Source Forge
What are the requirements to build the development version ?
Genes 0.1.1 depends on gedcom-parse 0.13
Genes 0.1.2 depends on gedcom-parse 0.15 or 0.16
Genes 0.1.3 depends on gedcom-parse 0.17 or 0.17.2
Genes 0.1.4 depends on gedcom-parse 0.90.0
The latest development version (from the cvs tree) might need the latest version of the gedcom-parse lib. What I mean is that I try to keep up with the
changes in the cvs tree of gedcom-parse. Delivered packages of genes will off course depend on a specific delivered gedcom-parse library version.
How to build
The only thing you have to do is to run the autogen.sh script
in the genes subdirectory. Or also:
./autogen.sh --prefix=/opt/genes-0.1.4
Genes development documentation
Genes documentation
Here is some developers documentation of genes, or parts of genes